My Moments
Monday, February 16, 2009
The Photos
Pictures don't lie and Pictures tells thousands of stories and meanings. So my journey will continue from the url below. Keep on browsing and viewing. Have a nice day and till we meet again.
Thank you.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Pastu terus pergi taman boneka dan dinner kat sana. So apalagi tunggu makan pun dah lama, so hanya bole ambik gambar tasik je kat sana.
Pas makan, ntah kenapa abang dan yang lain nak balik. Tapi kitorang bertiga nak pergi jalan2 dulu. Macam biasa for the first 15 - 30 mins, bin ku sihat dan segar waalfiat. Tu pun bernasib baik dia jumpa cousin dia (Mawar) kat bangunan Istana Kehakiman. Apa ke bendanya lepak kat depan court!. So aku hanya ambik berulangkali bangunan yang sama. pastu 30 min berlalu dan start je jejak kaki kat dalam kereta balik, dia pun tinton!. Aku pun layanlah SLR sorang2...
Pastu aku test power la skit, ambik gambar kereta dengan nampak line je dan dll. Boring la asyik cakap je, tgk la apa aku dah ambik...(which is semua tak cantek!) Damn...

(Translated version)
Aku baru je dapat kritikan tak disahkan dari isteri saya sendiri di mana dia menyatakan bahawasanya blog saya ini agak membosankan dan terlalu serious. Secara tidak langsung, semuanya dalam bahasa Inggeris dan dia tidak ada keinginan untuk membacanya. Oleh itu, untuk memenuhi kehendak dia, saya akan tukar hanya kerana dia...
Kerana dia , dia dan dia lagi...dan lagi dan lagi dan lagi.....
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
The Ant

Then i realized that there is a special lens that could resolved the problem of my picture above. Its a Canon EF 100mm f2.8 USM Macro lens. So i browse around and it cost about RM27xx!. OMG!, its damn expensive. But there is another model which a little bit smaller (50mm) and its about RM15xx. That is still need an amount of $. So i need to go slow with it and considering a cheaper low end lens for the time being.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
My first DSLR hopefully not the last
About my camera, I bought a Canon EOS camera. The series is 450D with Kit lens of 18mm – 55mm (3.5 – 5.6 aperture). This is for the start of my photography experience. The shop was very kind that a lot of free gift has given to me. One of the things are SteinZeiser Tripod, SteinZeiser lens protector, Red Canon bag and etc.
As a first-timer; I will read the manual in order to learn how to use this type of camera. At the first few days, its hard for me to get the best photo that I wanted. Below are some of the examples.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Hello and Welcome to my Anwaroi's blog!
Truthfully I’m not related at all to Anwar Ibrahim. I'm only an ordinary normal guy who lives and breathe freely in this free wide world. My location is in at one of an Asian Country situated at the line of Khatulistiwa
The main reason I created this blog is for me to upload some of my improving photo which all were taken with a Digital Single Lens Reflex Camera. Maybe most of the photos are not professionally taken as I am only an amateur cameraman.
I'm in the process to learn more and gain more knowledge in order to be one professional photographer in future.
Please to hesitate give some comment, advice, guidance or feedback of anything in this blog. I will try to comment anytime if I get the time.
Enjoy browsing my Blog.